Eddy Sanchez

Full-Stack Software Engineer

Hey there, I'm a software engineer with experience building innovative web applications. Skilled in leveraging various technologies and frameworks to create user-friendly solutions. Passionate about working collaboratively in a team environment.

porfolio image of pc porfolio image of engineer porfolio image of engineer porfolio image of engineer


  • JavaScript & Typescript
  • HTML5, CSS3 & SCSS
  • React & Next.js
  • Node.js
  • Firebase
  • Express
  • SQL
  • Git & GitHub
  • Npm
  • MongoDB


Western Governors University

Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering


AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner


Google IT Support Professional Certificate


React React (March, 2021)


ITIL 4 Foundation Certification


JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures (January, 2021)


App Lesson Architect


A web application that utilizes the GPT-3 API, created with the goal of helping teachers generate fast and complete lesson plans. Users can quickly and easily create lesson plans through the simple user interface, avoiding the complexity of constructing a valid request as the required parameters have already been established and proven to yield good results.

JavaScript React Next.js Node.js Material-UI Firebase

App fitnotes-csv2sqlite


A Node.js tool to parse csv formated data to the FitNotes app SQLite database

JavaScript Node.js SQL

App Lesson Architect

Little Fiction

Little Fiction is a creativity app that helps you generate stories and ideas. It's a fun and interactive way to explore your imagination. Users can build storylines and use this tool to get inspiration for their own literary work.

JavaScript React Next.js Node.js Material-UI Firebase

App Lesson Architect

Marketing Startup Landing Page

Custom landing page build for a marketing startup. A design was provided through Figma and was fully implemented with the BEM convention in mind to ensure consistent and clean styling organization throughout the site.